Prathista Industries Limited (Research and Technology driven company) promoted by a Young Technocrat - Dr. K.V.S.S. Sairam in 1996. (Click to view the Profile of Dr. K.V.S.S. Sairam). Being young, first generation entrepreneur, founder, and promoter – Dr. Sairam has decided to take up an innovative subject for commercialization for the first time in the country, as it is fact that there will be no charm in traditional technologies or products.
Dr. Sairam was well aware of the high amount of risk involved in venturing a new subject. However, he trusted that knowledge-based industry with research back up can have a bright future for sustainable business.
Prathista was founded by Dr KVSS SAIRAM but with only 27% shareholding and rest of the shareholding was owned by many VCF’s and potential partners who were keen to promote India based indigenous technologies.